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Create a button for paste special in excel 2016 mac

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There are other fixes to try if necessary. If that isn't the cure, reply here confirming the steps you have taken. [ Copy/Paste Pro is just one name that comes to mind,

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If they do, you need to identify & either update or remove the utility responsible for the misbehavior. Launch Word & see if the copy/paste operations work as they should. If those steps don't correct the issues the next consideration is whether you have any utility/helper/haxie apps installed - Especially those that claim to 'enhance' or 'expand' the OS X Clipboard feature in some way. Run Disk Utility to repair disk permissions Make sure Office 2011 is fully updated Ĭonfirm that your version of OS X is fully updated Before anything else, confirm some of the basic troubleshooting steps have been done